El Nido

Yesterday, I took a van ride from El Nido to Port Barton. This post is a late post about the three days I spent in El Nido.

I like El Nido better than Coron because there is a beach right in town. I opted to not take an island hopping tour in El Nido and mainly chilled on the beach.

During the first full day, I walked about a mile outside of El Nido town, below the cliffs, and arrived at Corong Corong Beach. I enjoyed strolling on the beach before making my way back to El Nido. I spent the rest of the day at the hostel handwashing my clothes and drying them.

The next day I went to the beach in town. The water was so warm. I made sure to put enough sunblock on my back. I had forgotten to do that on my island hopping tour in Coron so I got slightly sunburnt on my upper back. I also made sure to not be in the water for too long.

I chatted with a Colombian guy named Noel who is an English teacher in Beijing and is here on vacation. We had a good conversation while we both were in the water. I recommended him learning web development rather than going to law school due to time and cost. After our encounter, I would not see him again since he’s staying at the opposite end of the town.

That afternoon, Cecil, who is my French hostel mate, and Kevin, another French person living in the next room, took a trike ride to Vanilla Beach that’s not too far from El Nido to see the sunset. The beach was full of tourists and there was one tourist who walked out in the water taking selfies during the sunset. I think most people were upset by him. I certainly wasn’t too happy.

After the three of us came back into town, we had dinner with a few more French tourists at a local mom and pop restaurant called Mia’s. I had a grilled squid that was pretty good. Kevin and his friend, Valentine, are going to sign a lease on an apartment and start a French cooking business in El Nido so they can stay in the Philippines. I wish them the best of luck and hope they succeed.

El Nido is a smaller town than Coron, which I like. Aside from locals trying to sell me pearl jewelries on the beach and in town, I can imagine myself retire here and live the island life.

Though the locals are poorer compared to the tourists, I feel everyone is trying to win the game of life in their own way. It reminds of the story about the Mexican fisherman and the MBA businessman.

A businessman was vacationing in Mexico and met a fisherman. He told the fisherman that he should expand his fishing business by buying a bigger boat and hire more people, that way he can earn more money.

“Then what?” The fisherman asked.

The businessman advised the fisherman to buy more boats and hire more people so he can have a bigger, more successful company.

The fisherman responded, “Then what?”

The businessman thought for a minute and replied, “Then you can retire and enjoy your time.”

“But that’s what I’m doing now. Fishing!” Said the fisherman.

I guess that sums it up about life. We each have our own definition about what a successful life is. I’m just glad that I have the opportunity to be in the Philippines and enjoy paradise now, rather than later or worse, never.

Lining up all the baggage at the Coron port for a dog to sniff for illegal substances. 

El Nido town

The rocks at El Nido Beach

El Nido Beach

Woman making a crepe.

Canopy walk to Corong Corong Beach

Corong Corong Beach

She's got the best seat!

More beach

A swimming pool and a beach. You choose.

A tourist versus the sunset at Vanilla Beach

Me, Cecil, and Kevin

Sunset at Vanilla Beach

The pink clouds!

Dusk at Vanilla Beach


  1. What a beautiful place! You should settle here.

    1. Yes, El Nido is very beautiful. I like Port Barton slightly better since it's less touristy.


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