Tainan: Days 1 to 3

On Saturday, I didn't do any more exploring in Kaohsiung since I was so tired. I would have extended at the hostel, but they were full on Saturday night. In hindsight, I should have stayed in Kaohsiung for a few days longer at a different hostel.

Anyway, my appetite wasn't good and I only had a small breakfast egg omelette and a dish of hot vegetables. I wasn't even able to finish the vegetables. This turned out to be my meal for the entire day.

After walking to Kaohsiung Station, I bought a train ticket to Tainan for 106 NTD (~$3.40). The ride to Tainan was 40 minutes. Then I had to walk for about 30 minutes to get to the hostel in Tainan, which is in the Snail Alley area that has narrow streets. I was exhausted even though I only traveled for a short while. I ended up sleep from 2 PM to 7 AM the next day.

My energy was better on Sunday morning and I wanted to try the beef soup that's famous in Tainan. So I headed out of the hostel around 11 AM. I tried the beef soup and thought it was just ok. Little did I know, I was beginning to lose my sense of taste.

For the afternoon, I walked around the southern side of the hostel to Shueipingwun Park. It's not a tourist attraction and not worth seeing. Next, I walked to Blueprint Culture and Creative Park where there were some cool shops. Since I don't buy much on my travels I didn't even bother going in. I visited Great South Gate, Koxinga's Shrine, then walked by the Tainan Art Museum, Tainan Confucius Temple, and went inside the Hayashi Department building. I was once again tired from all the walking by the time I came back.

That night, I went next door to the hostel to buy some desserts at Fruit Encens. I tried two samples and couldn't taste anything. Immediately, I realized what I have is not a cold, but Covid, for the second time.

Yesterday, all I did was get some light breakfast and bought come vitamin C tablets. I stayed in the hostel the whole day trying to rest and recover. I decided to extend my stay at the hostel for three more nights so I can quarantine myself.

I felt really bad for the other travelers inside the same room as me. I was coughing so often it must have disturbed their sleep. This morning, I feel better. I want to eat more than just one meal a day, since that's what I've been doing for the last three or four days. I think my body needs more food and energy to fight off the virus.

I slept for about 17 hours 

Someone walking his huge pet turtle

Shueipingwun Park

Too many people at Blueprint Culture and Creative Park

Mural at Blueprint Culture and Creative Park

Cool Lego store and museum

Great South Gate

Flower Market

Temple that houses Koxinga's Shrine

Koxinga's Shrine

Park outside the shrine

Sculpture inside the park

Tainan Confucius Temple

Inside the temple

Tainan Art Museum

Hayashi Department building

Shinto shrine on the roof of Hayashi Department building


  1. Oh, no. I hope you get over this soon. I was wondering if you were going to get Covid on this trip since you've been staying in so many hostels.

    1. Actually, I'm not sure it's Covid anymore since I didn't lose my taste and smell after all. I did get Covid back when I was in Busan, South Korea. I'm hoping this time it's a cold.


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