Seattle: Day 3

Yesterday, I left the hostel at 12:30 PM after spending two hours writing the previous blog post.

I headed north to the Museum of Pop Culture via 5th Ave. There were so many skyscrapers on this street that I often spotted buildings reflecting on another building’s facade. I love the patterns they created from the glass windows and my fine art photographs often include these types of images. It was like a game for me to find the coolest of these reflections.

Architecture reflections #1

Architecture reflections #2

Architecture reflections #3

Architecture abstract

I arrived at Westlake Center and decided to go into the Asean Street Food Hall to grab some lunch. I had the pork hock stew over rice that was pretty good. I noticed the food these days are quite expensive. My meal was close to $20. That’s the norm now.

Westlake Center

Pork hock stew

I had walked on 5th Ave the day before to the Seattle Center so this time I walked on 4th Ave. I was 15 minutes early before 2 PM when I arrived at the museum entrance, but the attendant let me in anyway.

I checked out the LAIKA special exhibition. LAIKA is the stop motion animation company behind films such as Caroline. I couldn’t believe the amount of effort, time, patience, and people that went into making just not an entire film, but just one scene in the film. Not to mention LAIKA made many films since Caroline. I got overwhelmed just thinking about the entire process.

Museum of Pop Culture and Monorail

A model of Caroline

Guitars in the museum

Nirvana exhibit

I visited all the other exhibits as well, including the one about the band Nirvana. I learned that the music label, Sub Pop, played an important role in the Seattle music scene.

There were some exhibits I didn’t care about, such as the ones about horror films, fantasy, and science fiction. Overall, I stayed in the museum for about an hour and half.

It was getting hot and I had plenty of time before the 5 PM concert in Bell Street Park. I bought a strawberry and banana smoothie right outside the museum building and sauntered my way to the park.

The band was The Helio Sequence. I didn’t like their music as much as Small Paul even though The Helio Sequence is a more established band. I left after only about half an hour into the concert and walked back to the hostel.

The crowd at The Hello Sequence concert

Inside the dorm room I met two other travelers named Serhino and Chris. Serhino lives in central California and is spending the weekend in Seattle. Chris is from Vancouver and is taking a weekend vacation in Seattle before going back to work.

I didn’t eat dinner since I wasn’t hungry and slept from about 9 PM to 6:30 AM. I think I’m finally over my jetlag.

This morning, I went to Dim Sum King once again to get breakfast. It’s the third time I’m there. I actually bought more than I can finish.

Today, I plan on exploring Capitol Hill in the morning then go to the library to do some research about what I should do in Hawaii. The internet at the hostel is so slow that I’d rather go to the local library.

Today is also my dad’s birthday. I didn’t send him a birthday card so I plan to send him an eCard. I’ll do that at the library as well.


  1. Great photographs. I loved the movie Coraline! That’s neat you got to see the models up close.

    1. LAIKA made more stop motion films that I've ever heard of. Should watch them in the future.

  2. Love the building photos.


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