Day 13: Fredericksburg to Doswell

Yesteday morning, I woke up to the sound of rain. I was so glad to have booked this Airbnb and not have to camp. I walked over to Waffle House and got a simple breakfast consisted of an egg and bacon sandwich, home fries, and coffee. By the time I came back to the Airbnb and got ready to ride it was 8 AM. The rain was pouring hard. I thought about waiting for the rain to die down, but I have to ride over 40 miles today to Doswell, where I’ll be staying with Kathleen and Dave, my Warmshowers hosts from 2018. After about 15 minutes of indecision, I decided to leave since it’ll rain until noon anyway.

I took an allergy pill before I left since the day before my eyes were itchy and extra watery. I think that’s due to allergies, but I’m not sure.

Komoot failed me once again after about 3 miles out of the Airbnb. It brought me to a muddy path. I walked my bike on it only to find out the path turned to an unwalkable grassy trail. I went back on the muddy path and detoured for about a mile to sync up with the direction. I had no trouble after that.

The muddy trail

The ride was nice despite the rain. I rode mainly on local roads and US bicycle route 1. There weren’t many cars, but there were no good places to stop and take a rest, not even a restaurant. I was making good time and the rain subsided to a drizzle. Around noon, I stopped at the front steps of a church and took a break. I ate some trail mix and drank my water with electrolyte. I liked the taste of the electrolytes compared to plain old water.

Riding on US bicycle route 1

Then the sky opened up a bit just as I was resting by the church. And my mood became better. I thought about my cycling trip again. I think I want to finish the trip in Florida after all. After my grandma’s memorial service, I will either go cycle in Europe or go on my original plan of crossing Canada. I need to remind myself that I have to take one day at a time and not think too much.

Resting at a church

Feeling rejuvenated!

I took off my rain jacket during the break at the church. The riding felt so much better with the feeling of wind. As I was riding downhill I heard something snap. It was the flag pole on the back of my bike. One of the connectors snapped in half. I would need to fix that later.

Beautiful Virginia landscape

After riding 44 miles, I got to Kathleen and Dave’s place in Doswell at 2 PM, faster than I had anticipated. Kathleen and Dave have paused hosting on Warmshowers due to Covid concerns, but they allowed me to stay since I stayed with them in 2018. I’m friends with Kathleen on Facebook and she invited me to stay.

After eating some delicious bread and soup that Kathleen made, I took a shower and then did laundry. I also helped Kathleen operate her DVD player and fix her Apple Mail app where she couldn’t see the email messages.

First time line drying my clothes

Dave recommended a book called Headed into the Abyss where the author wrote about the depressing state of our world today. Kathleen suggested that I should hike the Camino de Santiago in Spain. That’s something I always wanted to do the next time I’m in Europe.

I told Dave that he made a mean guacamole last time I was here, he decided to make one again except the avocado was too hard. There goes that idea.

For dinner, Kathleen made cheese tortellini with vegetables and salad. I was so full when I finished, but then there was the "gilding on the lily": chocolate cake with chocolate ice cream on top. I just had to have some.

Kathleen and Dave

After the dinner and the conversations, it was close to 9 PM, I decided to go up to my room. I did a little reading in a cycling book called Wheels of Fortune where a couple cycled 26 states and across Canada. I went to bed around 9:30 or so.

I’ve been in touch with my good friend Merritt and told her about sending some of my winter stuff back back to her house since I won’t been needing them going down to Florida. She agreed. I think with less weight I should be able to ride faster.


  1. Hiatt, I did not realize that you have already left Pa and are on the road. I will check your blog now. I cannot ride with you because I had surgery on my wrist, but I want you to stop here and spend some rest time with Margery and me


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