Day 66: Rest Day in Dove Creek

Yesterday around noon, Gregg drove both of us to Deb’s Diner in Dove Creek to meet up with Sarah and a Vietnam veteran. Gregg showed me the church where he pastors before arriving at the diner. We waited a bit and I saw a man walked in who looked like Santa Claus. I went up to him and asked if he’s a veteran and knows about Sarah. Turns out he is. So the three of us talked while waiting on Sarah.

When Sarah came in we ordered lunch. The veteran’s name is Stan. He was a very funny man. Sarah and him fired back and forth with jokes like they’ve known each other for years when they’ve only met the night before. It was like watching a comedy routine right in front of me. Both Gregg and I had a blast. I decided to pay for everyone’s lunch since Gregg is my host and I wanted to thank Sarah and Stan for their services to the country. Near the end of lunch, Teresa, Sarah’s other friend that she had met the night before, showed up. We talked a bit more after the diner closed at 2 PM. Sarah and Teresa will go to the wedding in Monticello this afternoon. Gregg and I came back to the house.

Gregg, Sarah, and Stan

I took a two hour nap when I got back then browsed the internet for a bit. Around 6:30 PM, I came into the main house. I helped cut some vegetables for the salads and Gregg made some spaghetti with ground deer meat. It was the first time I had deer meat. It tasted like ground beef for the most part.

I talked to Gregg close to two hours after dinner in his living room before going to bed around 9:30 PM.

This morning, Gregg made some coffee and I had a banana, so I can get more potassium into my body to combat my leg cramps that I’ve been having on my trip. We talked a bit more before I started writing today’s blog post.

The weather forecast indicated rain in the morning until 11 AM. I only have about 30 miles to ride to Monticello today so I can afford to leave a little later. In Monticello, I’ll be staying with another Warmshowers host, who will be my last host for quite awhile since there are very few hosts in Utah.
