Day 62: Ridgway to Telluride

Day before yesterday, after I went to the library in Ridgway, I ate a delicious burger at Eatery 66. I walked around downtown a bit more, but I was still feeling a little hungry. At the Mountain Market, I bought a bag of vegetable chips and an iced tea. I would have bought more things but the prices are almost doubled to what I’m used to at home.

Back at the Warmshowers host’s house, I sat in the backyard and watched the mountains, with the cows in the foothills, while eating my chips and drinking iced tea. I went to sleep on the living room floor quite early, around 8 PM.

Enjoying the afternoon

The next morning, I was awaken by the sound of the fireplace. It had automatically started. I texted Deborah as to what I should do. She told me to unplug the power cord. After doing that, I slept for about an hour more and got up at around 6:30 AM.

Someone is having fun up in the air!

After packing up my things, I rode to Kate’s Place to get some breakfast. I had a huge omelette and a cup of coffee. They were enough to get my day started. Zak, a Warmshowers host in Telluride, called me and said I can stay at his place. I was very glad because I don’t have to camp in the city park.

I started riding soon after breakfast. I walked my bike up a long stretch of the road called Dallas Divide. From there I came down. I met another cyclist going the opposite way. His name is Weibrand and he’s from Holland. He told me about a forest fire near Rico. I hope the road will not be closed by the time I get there.

My point exactly!

Weibrand, going east to New York City

I arrived at the convenience store in Placerville shortly after meeting Weibrand. I had a grilled chicken sandwich and a soda for lunch. At 11:30, I stopped by the post office nearby and sent out the Father’s Day card that I had bought in Pueblo. Just as I was about to continue riding, a bus driver asked me if I want a ride up the hill to Telluride for $1. That sounded like a great deal. Anything to not do the hills. As it turned out there were no shoulders to ride up the hill anyway. I think I made the right choice, but I did miss out on some beautiful scenic photo opportunities.

The bus driver drove me into town then dropped me off in front of Zak’s place. Zak was surprised at my early arrival until I told him I had taken the bus from Placerville. I talked with Zak for quite a bit. He told me another cyclist will be coming in today as well. Later, Zak’s friends, Raymi and Megan, came over. Raymi let me try some mastiha liqueur that she had bought from Greece. It tasted really good and didn’t burn my throat. After they left, another one of Zak’s friends came to say hi. I decided to take a shower before the other cyclist arrives.

I hung out at Zak’s for awhile. He even helped me clean my bicycle chain. We played some old school Mario on a Nintendo clone. Around 4:45 PM, we headed out. Zak was meeting his friend for a bike ride and I took Zak’s cruiser to go downtown.

Downtown Telluride is very nice. A little bit more upscale than the other Colorado towns I’ve been to. First thing I did was to grab dinner at a restaurant called Gnar. I had a pulled pork taco and a Korean short rib taco. Both were excellent.

Tacos at Gnar

As I was walking up and down the main drag, I saw a couple of cannabis shops. I stopped by one of them and decided to buy some weed gummy candies. They were a bit expensive, $30 for only 10 pieces. I bought them anyway since I’ve never had them before.

The last thing I did before heading back to Zak’s was to ride the gondola to Mountain Village. The gondola is what the locals call it, it’s actually a trolley going up and down the mountain. The view was spectacular on the gondola. Mountain Village is more like a fancy outdoor mall for tourists who want to shop. Anything for money, I suppose.

Mountain Village

Gondola ride back into Telluride

I took the gondola back to Telluride and rode the cruiser back to Zak’s. Zak wasn’t home yet so I decided to walk around the neighborhood. Soon enough, Zak rode in with the new cyclist, Sarah. Sarah is an army sargent who is riding for PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). Her goal is to start a nonprofit when she finishes her bike tour. She also has a website, it's at

All three of us clicked right away. Sarah is mentally and physically strong. She rode up Hayters Gap in Virginia without stopping, whereas I had walked the whole way.

Since Zak and Sarah didn’t eat dinner yet, we ended up going to Floradora Saloon in downtown. I only ate some edemame. We had a great conversation about music and life in general. Zak decided to take me and Sarah waterskiing the next day. I guess I’ll be taking a rest day tomorrow. I felt so blessed to have met Zak and Sarah.

Zak and Sarah

We came back to Zak’s around 10 PM. I ate half of a weed gummy. It didn’t really have any effect on me since I went to sleep soon after.

This morning, I woke up at 6 AM. Everyone is still asleep. I’m wondering what new adventure I will have today.
