Day 5: Lancaster to York

A continuation of today...

After I chatted with Jacqueline, I walked a couple of blocks in the rain to a restaurant called The Flying Pigs on Walnut Street where I ordered the Flying Pig sandwich. I love the pull pork and the sauce they put on. When I asked the owner how long they’ve been in business, he told me he’s closing the store either Memorial Day or Fourth of July. I feel it’s such a loss for Lancaster. I’m urging everyone in Lancaster to go eat there now so that you can save The Flying Pig!

The Flying Pig sandwich

When I got back, I set up my panniers and strapped on the rest of my stuff on to the bike. I was wearing my full rain suit with the jacket and the pants. The only thing that’s not waterproof are my shoes. Oh well. I said goodbye to Luke and Jacqueline and hit the road again.

The rain was drizzling about half of the ride. I took Route 462 all the way to York after passing by Mountville, Columbia, Wrightsville, Hallam, and Yorklyn. All small towns. Sometimes the road didn’t have shoulders so I had to ride on the bumpy sidewalk. A few times I had to walk my bike so that I can cross the busy intersections. From downtown York, I rode on the Heritage Rail Trail toward Paul and Jane’s place.

The craziest mailbox

Crossing the Susquehanna River

Heritage Rail Trail

While stopping at a light. I heard someone calling my name. It was a man in a Suburu. Then it clicked to me that he must be Paul. Paul stopped the car to tell me that he’s getting dinner and gave me directions to his house, which is right off the trail around the 19th mile marker. As I rode on the trail I heard my Chinese name being called. “Haiyang Haiyang”. Who could that be? As I thought to myself I saw a bunch of large birds walking around on the other side of the fence. I had no idea at the time but they were all turkeys. They were calling my name! It was the first time I’ve seen turkeys other than on my dinner plate.


When I got to the mile marker, Paul was already waiting for me. I followed his car to his house. I was greeted by Jane - Paul’s wife, and Tim - another cyclist who is staying here. We talked in the living room, with the fire place on, about cycling and other stories about each other’s lives.

Tim is a 32 years old English cyclist who has been biking on the road for three years around the world! He has a website called reading2reading that documents his trip. He and Paul, who also rides extensively with Jane, assured me that everything will be ok on the road since I told them about the headwind coming from the west that I was fearing. While Jane had to go to a meeting, Paul, Tim, and I split some salads and a huge calzone. I never had a calzone before and it was delicious!

First time eating a calzone

Tim is going to Lancaster so I connected him with Amelia. I think Amelia will enjoy Tim’s stories. I also called my parents to ask them if Jacqueline, who will be going to Pittsburgh next month, if she and her boyfriend can stay with them. They said yes. I’m glad to have helped. Paul wanted to tell me a better way of going to Silver Spring, MD, where I will be staying with my good friend, Brandi and her fiancĂ©e Judy, for a day or two. I’ll have to figure that out tomorrow morning.

I took a much needed shower and then talked with Jane and Tim while Paul went to bed. I was surprised that Jane said I was very analytical and mathematical. I didn’t know she was so analytical, too! As it turns out, she worked as a special education teacher. I told Jane and Tim about my idea of running for a political office, as it turns out I’m eligible to run for governor or senator. But my next chance will have to be in 2022. Bummer.

At 10:30 PM, Tim went to bed. And at 11, Jane went to bed. It’s almost midnight, I guess I should go to bed, too.
